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Let’s start by introducing the author of this journal.  I am Rod Rawls, a 59 year old severe TBI survivor who is trying to land gracefully on his feet amidst a torrent of challenging revisions to what used to be a blissfully simple, if somewhat incognizant life.  The most recent change was becoming a live-in caregiver for an aging mother with moderately severe dementia.

Before I go on…

The first thing I’d like to say here is that I truly understand just how lucky I am, and that many TBI survivors have much greater challenges than I will ever fully comprehend.

What it’s all about…

This writing exercise was inspired by my girlfriend Marcie, and I decided to do it for a couple reasons. If what I have learned so far in my journey can help other TBI survivors or caregivers, then sharing is a good thing.  But I have my own selfish reasons as well – if others are willing to share discussions of their experiences then I can also learn more about these very challenging places I find myself in, as well as discovering strategies and resources available to help overcome the many challenges all TBI survivors and caregivers find themselves facing.

I hope to communicate relevant and meaningful information in my writings, and I hope that readers will not only find their time well spent… I hope they will post stories from their own lives to inspire others who also find themselves in a changing world.  Thank you for joining the discussion.  Whether you just read or share your own experiences and insight, I’m glad you’re here.